Principal Investigator (Leader Work Package 5)
Rupert Ecker PhD
TissueGnostics (TG) is a Vienna-based med-tech company providing high-end solutions for automated microscopy and image analysis using the latest technologies in optical microscopy and artificial intelligence. The company has been founded in 2003 and today, in addition to the corporate headquarters in Vienna, Austria, consists of a global network of subsidiaries and offices in USA, Brazil, UK, Romania, South Africa, India, China, Taiwan and Australia. To date research groups from 67 countries have published some 2700 scientific studies using the state-of-the-art technologies and solutions provided by the company. TG is taking great pride in joining the eRaDicate project and supporting some of the best researchers in Europe with their innovative spirit.
Rupert Ecker is a cell biologist and developed the prototype of the TissueFAXS analyser (today the core product in TG’s product portfolio) during his thesis at the Department of Urology, MUV, and a subsequent postdoctoral fellowship at the Competence Centre for Biomolecular Therapeutics. He has more than 25 years of experience in microscopy and image analysis. R. Ecker has been appointed as adjunct professor at Faculty of Health, School of Biomedical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology.
Research Project
Project 7: Plasmonic Tissue Cytometry