News Archive
eRaDicate at the Children’s University
Our workshop at the children’s university (KinderUniMedizin) „how to do research“ was a stimulating science experience…
The first eRaDicate Scientific Seminar
We were very honored to host a hybrid seminar entitled “The Genetic Complexity of Prostate Cancer” held by one of the members of the eRaDicate advisory board, Prof. Jyotsna Batra…
Student workshop in Munich
Martin Schepelmann, the coordinator of eRaDicate held a two-day seminar for the fellows of the German student scholarship (Deutsches Schülerstipendium) at the Roland Berger Foundation…
Long Night of Research 2024 – eRaDicate’s first outreach activity
Great effort by the teams of the Medical University of Vienna (MUV) and TissueGnostics GmbH (TG), led by Isabella Ellinger (MUV), presenting eRaDicate…
Recruitment deadline extended for 4 projects!
The recruitment deadline for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidates (DCs) at the Medical University of Warsaw, the...
Be part of the team!
eRaDicate is now recruiting 11 highly motivated and skilled PhD students as Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Candidates...
eRaDicate project had successful kick-off
The eRaDicate project started off with the kick-off meeting held at the TissueGnostics headquarters in Vienna from 7th...
eRaDicate kick-off will be held in Vienna
Following the official start of our project on the 1.1.2024, the project will be launched at our kick-off meeting at...
Official project start
The eRaDicate project has officially started on the 1st of January 2024 and will run for 4 years until the 31st of...