Great effort by the teams of the Medical University of Vienna (MUV) and TissueGnostics GmbH (TG), led by Isabella Ellinger (MUV), presenting eRaDicate and the challenges of cancer research to the public at the Lange Nacht der Forschung (Long Night of Research) 2024 in Vienna!
There was a fantastic turnout and public interest by all age groups. There were exciting games to learn about cancer and image analysis for the children, and lots of information and possibilities to discuss directly with the researchers for the adults.
This is eRaDicate’s first outreach activity – with many more to follow over the next years.
Team members on the cover photo (left to right): Victoria Podgorzak (TG), Aleksandra Fesiuk (MUV), Jose Basilio (MUV), Sebastian Podgorzak (TG), Isabella Ellinger (MUV), Adolf Ellinger (MUV), Leon Kirsanov (TG), Balazs Erdi (TG; not in the picture)