Developing Innovative Ligands for Nuclear Receptors to Eradicate Cancer Relapse

The aim of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network “eRaDicate” is to develop new therapies against cancer stem cell-driven relapse and metastasis. Our 11 doctoral candidates (DCs) of eRaDicate will be trained not only to perform original and independent research on an internationally competitive level, but will also be endowed with a creative, critical and entrepreneurial mindset, coupled with persistence in following their objectives.

Recruitment of our fellows has been completed. They will start their contracts in the fall of 2024. Watch this space for updates and an introduction to our fellows.


The first eRaDicate Scientific Seminar

The first eRaDicate Scientific Seminar

We were very honored to host a hybrid seminar entitled “The Genetic Complexity of Prostate Cancer” held by one of the members of the eRaDicate advisory board, Prof. Jyotsna Batra…

Student workshop in Munich

Student workshop in Munich

Martin Schepelmann, the coordinator of eRaDicate held a two-day seminar for the fellows of the German student scholarship (Deutsches Schülerstipendium) at the Roland Berger Foundation…


The eRaDicate consortium consists of eight academic and one industrial and beneficiaries, as well as twelve associated partners to provide training and secondments.


Associated Partners